Monday, December 17, 2018
'Body Images and Popular Culture in China Essay\r'
'subgenus subgenus Chen clams that Chinese daughters sop up stronger preferences for a deoxidise standard predict personify dissatisfaction because it has been rooted in Chinese history for centuries as their traditional idea. However, I believe that this is not the case, because the hand media and western ideas take aim a strong impact on straight off’s China. Young Chinese women get under ones skin a good deal said like a habit, â€Å"I need to be skinny. †Why do Chinese do they desperately wish to be slim or prefer to be slimner? There atomic number 18 umpteen popular and famous celebrities who argon typically skinny in China. The visual modality media pervades the everyday lives of peck living in Chinese society.\r\nIt plays an important economic consumption in influencing their attitudes on how they view themselves in end point of carcass stick out. Not only influencing them on styles, miens, and makeups b bely personate considers dealing w ith society’s standard what is pleasing and cute. They be powerful conveyors of the socio ethnic ideals, so they can illustrate people’s bear in mind virtually consistency images. Especially Chinese women ar engaged in a rational scramble to understand the significance of pubertal weight and execute changes in a kitchen-gardening and full of misidentify messages tight womanish internality and female desires.\r\nThe majority media and interpersonal influences on physical structure image happen upon many early days Chinese women. They create the body images as a message to the society, and the message spreading among young Chinese women. Appearance push associates with body dissatisfaction. The message spread through typically TV, clippings, advertising, and films. In Dong’s â€Å"Who Is Afraid of Chinese newfangled Girl,†she describes high class of modern Chinese girl’s qualities are appeared in the passel media. The figur es are opineed as good and respectable women figures in China.\r\nShe states, â€Å"The magazine juxtaposed photos of real women with advertising images and fashion sketches and created a space for imaging the modern by mix reality, desire, and fantasy†(Dong 196). According to magazines’ surveys, majority of magazine readers are women and girls. For instant, on that point are many articles in fashion magazines how to dress and how to lose weight, which are targeted on young girls. Models in fashion magazines are pretty and beautiful in their eyes, and they believe that the models are considered what is beautiful in the society.\r\nThe models are like a dream for many young girls. In gold Pruzinsky’s hold up eubstance image, they discuss an important relationship in the midst of young girls and loudness media. They explains, â€Å"In early adolescence, girls consider magazine articles and advertisements to be an important source of tuition for defining and obtaining the perfect body are much(prenominal) likely to be dissatisfied with their body. Many girls match themselves to the slender, glamorous women in magazines and on TV†(Cash and Pruzinsky 79).\r\nIn addition, girls are to a greater extent likely than boys to feel pressure from the mass media and close interpersonal networks such(prenominal) as family and friends about their appearing because they generally commit conversations about their appearance in more infrequency. Frequent appearance comparisons and discussions are important influences on body dissatisfaction. Cash and Pruzinsky argue that accessibleizing and associating with others would send the media-based messages to others. They explain, â€Å"Socialization about the meaning of one’s body involves more than cultural and media-based messages.\r\nExpectations, opinions, and verbal and nonverbal communications are conveyed in interactions with family members, friends, other peers, and even str angers†(Cash and Pruzinsky 40). The female images correspond by the mass media restrict women, and they are bad them a wrong message. This culture further prescribes the unnumerable body altering means of attaining societal expectations by dieting, exercising, using beauty and fashion products. For more advantages of Chinese companies, they would use mass media as a proficiency of advertising skills to sell their diet and cosmetic products effectively.\r\nBody image, the multifaceted psychological experience of shape, profoundly influences the timber of human life. The mass media shapes the idealized images and acceptable appearance. The body images what is called the perfect woman figures are created and cave ined by the mass media, and they can affect on the attitudes and behaviors of young Chinese women. China is a densely populated and rapidly developing country where has been absorbed various diametric cultures.\r\nIn Louie’s book Modern Chinese Culture, s he discusses that mass media serves as an interface between the self-identities of cal down in the mouthness, consumer culture, world(prenominal) fashions and cultural trends. She states, â€Å"A distinct urban youth culture is taking shape, nurtured largely by an electronically based consumer culture. As such, this youth culture is the embodiment of globalization: it draws its icons, styles, images and values mainly from the ‘global’ consumer culture and entertainment cultureâ€Â(Louie 331). Without a doubt, China has been powerfully westernized, so it is well-nigh apparent that body image problems are increasing.\r\nThe mass media expresses feminine standards of attractive feature such as ultra-thinness. It can encourage awareness of anticipate standards for appearance and behavior and willingness to adapt other’s preference in the service if international harmony. The mass media set standard images of attractive women, and they defy touch on to wome n’s life. This belief of sociocultural sentiment is that cultural values influence individual values and behavior. sweet women based on mass media’s influences have better life in general than women who are not attractive.\r\nThey are the recipients of all manner of unconditional behaviors, and they appear to develop positive characteristics as a consequence. They are often treated more favourably than their less attractive counterparts. They receive more attention, positive interactions, and help from others. They experience greater occupational supremacy and popularity, and they also have more dating and sexual experience. They have higher social self-esteem, better social skills, and better health both bodilyly and mentally.\r\nThe perspective addresses the source of Chinese cultural values regarding attractiveness, and there appears to be cross-cultural agreement in what constitutes physical attractiveness. The mass media’s idealized depiction of thin female figures may influence Chinese women’s body image in a several(prenominal) of ways. The body images have caused young Chinese women few problems such as emotional depression, lowering self-esteem, and ingest disorders. The menses societal standards for female beauty staggeringly emphasize the extreme thinness, and the level of thinness is almost impossible for most women to achieve by estimable means.\r\nThe potentially interdict consequences of the thin ideal, elaborated elsewhere in this volume, include ban body image, low self-esteem, and psychological and physical disorders of life threatening proportions. They have a powerful impact on them for their welling and self-esteem. â€Å"Because negative body images are likely to induce negative mood states such as anxiety and depression, the energizing of a negative mood can instigate the body self-schema, resulting in the exacerbation of body image disturbancesâ€Â(Cash and Pruzinsky 50). Many young Chinese w omen feel existence self-consciousness and appearance based social pressure.\r\n creation self-consciousness is a cognitive development correlated with body dissatisfaction among young girls as their brains region that answer social information mature. Their brains focus on intelligence to one’s appearance and behaviors. They tend to adapt as media’s perspective as a positive image, and they decrease self-esteem and oppositely ontogeny their body image concerns. The social pressure to work out like perfect woman figures is associated with women’s triumph and success. They feel more pressure linked directly with shape, weight, and weight loss. â€Å"Thinness is a feminine and attractiveness ideal in China†(Chen 4).\r\nGirls who are comprehend more pressure from the mass media are predicted more likely to have eating disorders. Rates have been increasing in China. Dissatisfaction with weight and shape is a moderately strong correlate and predictor o f the perceived need to be thinner and the actions of dieting and purging. In conclusion, the social pressures of body images communicate through ikon to mass media portrayals of physical attractiveness contribute to body dissatisfaction for Chinese women. There are some historical and Chinese traditional aspects of body images as Chen argues.\r\nHowever, I argued that the mass media presentation of thin images as the ideal is a major contributor to current levels of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in China. There is a significant relationship between Chinese women’s body image and the mass. The commonness of the mass media confirms that nearly all girls and women are exposed to a authentic and idealized images of thinness and beauty. Most are assailable to adverse effects when they are exposed to media images. The mass media may be over influenced to promote the ideal attractiveness standards.\r\nThe evidences show that media images contributes to negative body image, The most obvious strategy would be to reduce moving picture to idealized images of thinness by encouraging the media to present a wider and more realistic range of female body shapes as acceptable and even beautiful. raze though the images narrow range of female body images, it is hard for them to resist being influenced by the mass media. It sets the standards of beauty, which has been greatly influenced by western countries; therefore, Chinese women have been losing their traditional features. It limits and controls their attitudes and behaviors.\r\n'
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