Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Analysis of The Bicycle and its Role in Society
Analysis of The Bicycle and its Role in Society Not only are Parents responsible for providing food and shelter for their Children, but they should also help them to develop their mental and physical condition. A Bicycle, a vehicle having two wheels one behind the other, influences a child's physical, intellectual and social development. It also can improve the quality of life. Riding a bicycle will provide children with health and other benefits. A bicycle can save them money in gas and also decrease the rate of pollution First of all, riding a bicycle requires movement of the entire body. It strengthens leg muscles. Moreover, it not only requires stability and balance, but it also develops coordination. It also requires stamina, and therefore keeps a child's heart and lungs strong. A moderate amount of physical activity, like a short cycle-commute, can protect against health problems like obesity, cancer, mature-onset diabetes, and osteoporosis.Next, owning a bike stimulates the intellectual development of a child; first, the ch ild becomes interested in sports, especially in cycling.English: child on a bicycle
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Guide on How to Write a Deductive Essay A to Z!
Guide on How to Write a Deductive Essay A to Z! Introduction To begin with, deductive essays represent an effective method of evaluating student knowledge in different courses and reviewing their analytical skills. A deductive essay is a type of essay in which students are obliged to use deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the logical reasoning that uses general, factual premises to reach a specific conclusion. Therefore, deductive reasoning can be explained as an application of the general rules that are narrowed down until a certain conclusion is reached. For this reason, deductive reasoning is sometimes called bottom-down logic. Deductive reasoning is often implemented in real life when people use the facts of the common knowledge or the ones that are already known to them in order to reach a specific conclusion. Writing an effective deductive essay requires the writer to implement ones strong analytical skills into the construction of a deductive argument supported by sufficient evidence. This deductive essay writing guide will hel p you achieve the goal. The Difference Between Deductive and Inductive Writing Deductive reasoning is often contrasted with inductive reasoning because they represent opposite types of logical arguments. Deductive reasoning starts with the general facts and reaches specific conclusions. On the other hand, inductive reasoning reaches general conclusions by implementing specific observations. Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning allows the conclusion to be false. Therefore, the difference between deductive and inductive writing is that inductive writing fits the specifications of an inductive argument, whereas deductive writing follows the structure of a deductive argument. The Construction and the Structure of a Deductive Argument Students working on a deductive essay should learn to create a deductive argument based on deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is divided into three parts, including premise, evidence, and conclusion. The premise is the general fact that is applied in order to reach a conclusion. In a deductive argument, there could be a single premise or several premises at once. The premise provides a background for the logical argument. The second part of a deductive argument is the evidence. The evidence is a piece of more specific information that represents the subject of the analysis. The evidence is proof that one relies upon in an argument and a logical link between the premise and the conclusion. The evidence is based on a specific fact that is observed or analyzed by a student writing an essay. The presumption stated by the author of the essay should be backed up by credible information from scholarly sources. Finally, the conclusion is a summarized analysis of the argument that is based on combining the premises with the evidence that serves as a final proof of the premise. In deductive reasoning, the true premise is a guarantee for a true conclusion. Therefore, if the premises are not true, it is impossible for the conclusion to be true. The conclusion is supposed to be well-rounded and precise. There is a possibility for a deductive essay to have a multitude of credible conclusions. If this occurs, there is a need to choose the best possible conclusion and focus on explaining it to the reader of the essay. If the author of the essay chooses to focus on the multitude of conclusions, there is a risk for the essay to be out of the focus and not be understandable for the reader. The mathematical formula for deductive reasoning is as follows: If A = B, and B= C, then A = C. The Example of the Deductive Argument Premise: All humans are mortal. Evidence: Josh is a human. Conclusion: Josh is mortal. This is the basic example of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning can become more complex if more premises are used in order to reach a conclusion. Types of Deductive Reasoning Used in Deductive Essays The deductive essays apply various styles of deductive reasoning, with each of them just as accurate as the other. Categorical arguments and propositional arguments are among the most widely used arguments in a deductive essay. Categorical arguments are the ones that include various items. These arguments usually implement common words and phrases, including none and all. A propositional argument is the style of an argument that uses the words â€Å"are,†â€Å"and,†â€Å"or,†â€Å"I,†and others. Propositional arguments can be described as the arguments that manage the sentences in which they are used. The Deductive Essay Writing Tips from Our Writers A writer of a deductive essay has to make sure that the attention of the reader remains focused on the deductive argument and is not dragged away to less essential aspects of the deductive essay. The requirements for the writing style include accurate sentence structure and the use of correct grammar. While there are typical requirements for all kinds of essays and not just deductive ones, appropriate sentence structure and grammar are especially important for the deductive essays because they demonstrate the analytical skills of the writer. The deductive essay requires the writer to apply superior analytical skills because they constitute the main aspect that is checked by the instructor. The ability to express ones analytical skills with language tools is another point that is being evaluated by the instructor. The deductive reasoning usually follows a clear and logical structure that is easy to follow for any reader. Each of the essay paragraphs focuses on a particular aspect of the argument, using detailed evidence. The most important part of the essay is the support of the conclusion. The conclusion cannot be simply stated without the appropriate support because it is likely to be weak in such a case. The deductive essay requires the author to remain objective and logical throughout all steps of writing. Choosing a Topic of a Deductive Essay Picking a topic is an important preliminary step of writing the deductive essay. In case there is a possibility to pick the topic, one should choose the topic that he or she does not feel overly emotional about. The best strategy for the author is to pick the topic one is interested in but does not have a strong opinion on. The reason for this is that it is quite difficult for people to stay objective about the issues they are opinionated about. Therefore, the students should treat the writing of the deductive essay as the opportunity to learn something new about an interesting subject rather than the ability to prove a certain point that the author of the essay cares for. In science, deductive reasoning is often applied in mathematics and physics. Among the disciplines that are considered to be humanities, deductive reasoning is more often implemented in philosophy. Therefore, it is natural for students to pick the topic of a deductive essay that is related to philosophy. However, the spectrum of deductive reasoning is quite broad; therefore, the topic of choice can be related to the variety of different disciplines. Common subjects that represent the basis for developing an effective deductive essay include political science, history, sociology, ethics (including bioethics), futurism, education, technology, and others. The implementation of deductive reasoning in deductive essays makes it possible for the students to choose the topics that effectively analyze current and future trends related to society. Therefore, deductive reasoning is at its best when it is applied to the topical discussions of the contemporary world. Deductive essays can contrast several phenomena or investigate a single phenomenon in depth. Some of the potential topics of a deductive essay include: Drug Dealing in Columbia; The Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning; Democracy vs. Authoritarian State; Communism vs. Capitalism; The Impact of the Universal Basic Income on the Economy; The Implications of the Governmental Intervention into the Life of the Chinese Citizens; The Ethical and Scientific Aspects of the Genetic Engineering; The Politics and the Ideology Behind the Arab Spring; Love VS Habit; Should Humans Strive to End Aging-Related Diseases? Should Toddlers Be Exposed to Technology from the Beginning of Their Lives? The Implications of the South Thailand Insurgency The Structure of a Deductive Essay Similarly to the typical argumentative essay of any type, the deductive essay consists of an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion that reveals premises, evidence, and the conclusion of the deductive argument. Introduction The introduction of a deductive essay presents the basic most essential aspects of the argument that is being investigated. It is important for the effective deductive essay to avoid generalizations and to base the presentation of the topic on the facts that are thoroughly investigated. One of the most important parts of the deductive essay is the thesis statement that summarizes the major arguments that are made in the essay and wrapped up in the essays conclusion. Your thesis statement has to be clear and concise, without any unnecessary details added. All in all, a thesis is a short statement that reflects the conclusion of an argument and the reasoning behind it. Supporting Paragraphs The supporting paragraphs of the essay should investigate the facts found in the premises and the evidence of the deductive argument. For the convenience of a reader, the facts should be investigated one-by-one in each of the paragraphs. It is important not to overflow each of the paragraphs with too many arguments for the essay to keep its precise and logical structure. Conclusion Finally, the conclusion of the deductive essay should coincide with the conclusion of the deductive argument based on the research of the evidence and drawings from the premises of the argument. After the conclusion of the deductive argument is made, the author can expand the conclusion of the essay by offering possible directions the argument can take in the future. However, there is a need to keep the conclusion logical and concise without diving into the multitude of future possibilities that cannot be supported by evidence. If one chooses not to dive into the future possibilities while concluding the essay, there is a possibility to end it by stating the possible implications of failing to solve the issue discussed in the deductive essay. If the writer chooses to follow this pathway, he or she should remain logical and concise in the process of ending the essay, without drawing the attention away from the conclusion of the deductive argument. The conclusion of the deductive argument has to remain an integral element of the deductive essay conclusion that cannot be overshadowed by other statements made in the final part of the essay. The Post-Writing Steps of Working on a Deductive Essay The post-writing peculiarities related to the writing of a deductive essay focus on the elements that are directly related to the writing process itself. Therefore, the writer should pay attention to the logical flow of the essay, the sentence structure, the use of the language, the adherence to the basic grammar rules, and, first and foremost, the effectiveness of the argument that demonstrates ones analytical ability. The proofreading of the deductive essay should begin with analyzing the flow of the argument since the argument is the central part of the essay. The effective and correct premises, evidence, and conclusion form the basis of an excellent deductive essay. Even though the linguistic elements of such essay are considered important, the flow, structure, and support for the argument are superior. Therefore, the author should begin proofreading with analyzing the argument and conclude it with the analysis of grammar, sentence structure, and the additional elements of the w riting. The referencing of the paper is an essential final step of working on a deductive essay. The writer should strive to use peer-reviewed credible sources that back up ones evidence, including books and scientific sources. News articles and other sources can sometimes be used sparingly if they fit the context and the topic of a particular deductive essay. It is important for the writer to distinguish between ones patterns of thinking and the sources that support this pattern. Original thinking is an integral part of the deductive essay, and the author cannot simply rely on the sources regardless of their credibility. Apart from the specific characteristics that one should draw attention to while working on the deductive essay, the process of editing and proofreading of such essay is similar to editing and proofreading of an analytical essay. The author should analyze every paragraph of the essay and look for grammatical mistakes, mechanical errors, and the issues related to the sentence structure. If one selects an appropriate topic, constructs an effective deductive argument, supports it with the proper evidence, reaches the logical conclusion, follows the requirements for the structure of an essay, and effectively proofreads it, he or she is likely to create a deductive essay that will secure the student with an excellent academic score. References Bradford, A. (2017). Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning. Retrieved from Deductive essay writing help, ideas, topics, examples. (2018). Retrieved from How to Write a Deductive Essay?. (2018). Retrieved from What is deductive reasoning? (2018). Retrieved from
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Icons in the past and in the modern world Essay
Icons in the past and in the modern world - Essay Example bject that is easily identifiable by many. It may also mean a symbol that is used by different cultures to for purposes of historical value or having a known significance to such community or groups of communities. In the modern times however, icons of places are mostly represented by beautiful architectural buildings. Though past icons such as monuments, statues and historical buildings are still recognized as icons of different places, there is a rapid change in the way icons are perceived and this has been brought about by the construction of amazing pieces of architecture. This paradigm shift has been driven by the demand for popularity and instant fame as well as for business purposes. Different regions are now in competition with one another in the construction of stunning architectural buildings. This paper aims to detail and discuss the meaning and use of icons in the past and modern in the United Kingdom and give a comparison of the same. This will be done via researching th e major icons in the UK and detailing their use. The paper will also make a general conclusion of the history of the icons. Most specifically, the paper will focus on the bulky-Scottish Castle, the St. Pauls Cathedral, the Nelson Monument, and the small retail liver building. Background Information In the medieval times, icons were mostly represented by historical monuments and buildings. It also included paintings and carvings that were done on stones and caves by hunters or artists in the community. Such icons represented a particular history or symbol of power in the community. A good example of icons that represented symbols of power included palaces of the royal family in the kingdom. Buckingham palace in Great Britain is an example of such palace that was and still is home to the royal family. Religious shrines and buildings were also known icons in the past due to their revered status. Rome for example was a society that was deeply engulfed in religious practices and as such had several places of worship within the region (Lynch, 1960). Such places were known icons within and beyond the boundaries of Rome since they were not only revered by many, but also had influence on the political administration at that time. Great emphasis was also placed on the erection and curving of monuments and statues by several communities in the past. This was done to honour individuals for their great contribution to the society and as such, places where these monuments and statues were erected become known icons within the region both in the medieval times and up to date. From the twin towers in Malaysia to the Five Star hotel, Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the emphasis has been placed on tall and aesthetical pleasing building designs. Two dimensional form of art such as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Navigating another culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Navigating another culture - Essay Example 2. I belong to the district of Gangnam that is located in the country of South Korea and the culture of Gangnam has been highly influenced through various elements. One of the elements that have mostly influenced the culture of my region is education. Education is given immense importance in my region mainly for the purpose of the development of the self of the people of my region. The education has transformed my region into a place where people have become quite materialistic and prefer spending a luxurious and wealthy lifestyle. The main purpose due to which education is promoted in my region is that it is believed that education will help us attaining better standards of life. The popular culture of my region is another aspect that has mighty impact on the culture of Gangnam. The district has been a host and part of various musical videos as well as movies. The region has been used for the purpose of shooting videos and that is one reason why the neighborhood of Gangnam is always bright and colorful. It is a place where people come to enjoy and especially witness the night life of the region (Willett 1). 3. I have been living in the region of United States since I was only 15 years old. My main purpose of moving to United States was attaining higher education as it is one of the main elements that is promote by my culture and my society. When I first came to the United States I faced various difficulties but unlike people belonging to collectivist cultures, I faced little difficulty in understanding the culture of United States and assimilating in their culture was fairly easy for me as compared to other immigrants. The main difficulty that I experienced when I became a part of the United States was my failure to communicate in English Language with the natives of the region. Due to this I used to feel left and alone and I used to even experience
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Physical Education and Academic Achievement Research Proposal
Physical Education and Academic Achievement - Research Proposal Example Students shall be divided into two groups: A physical education class and an academic-oriented class. This division shall occur for both 7th and 8th classes which indicate that there shall be four groups. Each group shall be compared from each other thru instruments detailed in later sections. The groups shall be observed weekly and shall be made to undergo a Physical Fitness Test immediately followed by Academic tests. Expected time frame is 3 months. In effect, the data shall provide two results: 1) whether exposure or non-exposure to physical education affects academic performance and 2) how the intensity of physical activity itself affects academic performance Covariant data shall be constructed for fifth categories. First is the family income where students shall be classified into families having $20000, $20001-60000, $60001-75000 and >$75000. These categories are based on National Statistical Socio Demographic profile which attaches corresponding ability to provide for educational materials with the amount of annual income. Second is the child's ethnicity where the participants shall be classified as: a) White, non-Hispanic, b) Black, non-Hispanic, c) Hispanic and d) other. Third is the previous academic background and performance. Fourth is the any additional educational support system specifically the amount of time a mother devotes to educate their children. The last is the amount of physical activity that the student experiences outside of the school. All data for these categories shall be obtained from parents, guardians and the students themselves. Classroom teachers shall be enlisted to produce reports regarding the number of times that students participated in physical education. The reporting process shall be from 0 (never) to the number of times like 3 times per day. Correspondingly, the teachers shall also indicate the total minutes per day that the sample population were engaged in physical education activities. It shall start from 0 with increments of 15 minutes (1-15, 16-30 with the last choice being >60). The data shall be categorized and labelled as low (0-30 minutes per week), medium (30-60 minutes per week) and high (70-300 minutes per week). At the end of every week, the students shall be made to undergo a Physical Fitness Test (PFT) in the morning and an Academics test in the afternoon. The PFT seeks to identify six aspects of fitness namely: 1) body composition, 2) aerobic capacity, 3) trunk strength, 4) abdominal strength, 5) flexibility and 6) upper body strength. These were chosen because it represents the intensity of physical development that the student has experienced. These data shall be compared with previous physical fitness examinations to fully determine the intensity of physical activity in consonance with the data generated from teacher-provided reports. For the academic tests, consultations shall be made with education authorities and other established education researchers regarding the appropriate content to be administered to the students. It shall also be determined whether test content that has been previously applied in other published studies such as that of Carlson et al (2008) can be adapted. In general, the subjects shall include science, mathematics, linguistics and world studies. In summary, we have four sets of data per group: 1) Physical education exposure, 2) Physical activity intensity and condition, 3) Covariates and 4) Academic
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Work Of Julius Shulman Photography Essay
The Work Of Julius Shulman Photography Essay The photographer assumes a role of tremendous responsibility in reporting literally as a communicator. The mind dexterity and the ability of the person with the camera can become the vehicle by which the image of architecture can be transferred to publications and the people of the world. It is a general assumption that the architectural experience is bound to the architectural work and to the direct encounter with it. Architecture is inherently seen as an experience of which you must be present for, live in or use day to day. The experience is bound to the subjects immediate association with the work its here and now. For that exact same reason the experience can neither be copied nor reproduced exactly like another persons work. However those not directly involved in the profession and even those involved often base their whole understanding and knowledge of architectural works solely on the reading of representations. During the 20th century photography more than any other technique of representation became a decisive factor for our relationship with and understanding of architecture. Success in architectural photography requires an unusual blend of training, background, temperament and personality that has been little discussed. Any art form, even if based on rational and technological conditions can when sensitively applied by an artist become the zeitgeist of the era. Julius Shulman makes photographs that reproduce other peoples work and promotes their work effortlessly. How he achieves this so successfully is what interests me. Everybody emphasizes the fact that a photograph can be reproduced and seen by millions, while a minority of people would know the original building first hand. What is important to me is that if the photographer is an artist they must create a new dimension to their work if they want to succeed or standout in their field. When an art form is immediately accessible to millions through equipment alone it takes special skills to hone in on the craft and excel in the field. Julius Shulman was born in New York on October 10th 1910 and died at his home in Los Angeles, California on Wednesday, July 15, 2009; he was 98 years old. Shulman was a renowned architectural photographer best known for his photography of the californian modernist movement .Not only did his work spread the modernist movement around the world at the time but it also garnered it a new appreciation in the early 1990s. The period I am most interested in is between 1930-1960 when some of his most prolific work was produced focusing on Californian modernism. Julius Shulmans first experience with the Californian desert region came in 1926, when he was 16 years old. He and some teammates on his high school gymnastics team in Los Angeles camped and hiked in canyons around Palm Springs, this connection to the vast natural resources informed his professional work documenting the deserts architectural treasures. For seventy years, Shulman amassed the most comprehensive visual chronology of modern architecture and the development of Los Angeles, photographing architecture by Richard Neutra, Pierre Koenig, and Frank Lloyd Wright amongst many others, and going much further to photograph the emerging petrol stations, movie palaces, and markets of Los Angeles. he documented the changing city over many years which is now stored at the Getty institute in Los angeles. Times have changed; equipment has changed; and architectural photography has changed. Today architectural photographs are more a bridge of communication than they are works of art. Julius Shulman simply viewed the camera as a box with an eye. His view that the architecture should take precedence over the photo and that the purpose of an architectural photograph may be documentary, interpretive, or both but it is seldom the pure art of photography. It may, in the best examples reach this level but only when it first fulfills its purpose as an architectural photograph. In this dissertation i hope to analyse what role Shulman played in the spread of Californian modern architecture along with how he influenced architectural photography at the time which has created his legacy. Shulmans Methodology In this chapter I will look at Shulmans work methodology and briefly touch on the equipment he used during the early modernist period. From the many people who have seen Shulman at work the evidently clear opinion emerges that to view him at work revealed much more than simply viewing his finished work. Shulmans quick fired nature when taking photographs with one shot negative black and white and one transparency in colour got him the name one shot Shulman The manner in which he dressed a scene revealed his desire for a very active image area in which there were no dead spots where the interest level of a viewer might drop off. One of his more unusual methodologies was his choice of spots to take a photograph. Rather than extensively analyse the location and test shoot from a multitude of various angles and locations he simply looked around briefly and picked a spot. This walk to spot method assessing which was best almost immediately adds to mythos of his work and methods. Jay Jorgensen stated while observing Shulman that The hallmark of Shulmans work is to find and exploit the most dramatic lines in structure. Again his ability to enter and appoint the best views very quickly is baffling to the majority of professional photographers even to this day. Some of his most famous images were taken with when compared to todays technology what would be seen as very rudimentary cameras. His photograph of the Kaufmann house was taken with an old Eastmann master view camera and a primitive Schneider Angulon Lense. However this is one of the most widely published photographs of contemporary architecture in the world. Although very open to technology especially in his later work Shulman was always wary of over reliance on technology something which is hotly debated in all aspects of architecture today. In his book The photography of architecture and design Shulmans view was that the photographer should explore all types of equipment in depth and how experimentation is key before deciding on the direction of their work and type of camera. A photographer should think twice before investing in the best. I urge you to consider personal needs and experiences first. Ideally the best should be pursued, but a tool is only as good as its user. Shulmans Favourite Photograph Every artist, designer or creative mind has a favourite piece of work that they cherish. Surprisingly of all of Shulmans photographs one of the most unusual and out of character from the bulk of his work strikes resonance with Shulman the most. Having photographed a striking cotton tree leaf Shulman had found while Golfing, it formed one of his most visionary concepts. He used it in Urban Design schools and Schools of Architecture to describe and illustrate how man can relate to nature. Shulman sees the leaf as the ultimate analogy of how developers should plan out their developments. The need to design a community within a framework in this case which he designates at the outer line of the leaf. The occupants of the development shouldnt trespass onto the nature beyond the leafs shape but let the leaf instead dictate the highways, boulevards and side streets with its veins. The small capillaries dictate where the people should live and the big masses show where the public buildings or large apartments can be built. The message here is to not go beyond the shape of the leaf but instead let all beyond be nature. He saw the land beyond as more valuable to the people living in the community if they can look out on it as nature , trees and the environment. To be left alone by man however Shulman was not against developers but merely wanted to highlight that developers should not act in a away that would put people off why they wanted to live there in the first place. Shulman when recently interviewed before his death was a little perplexed by the current mania for all things sustainable and the recent influx of its influence in contemporary architecture. Weve always had green-those of us who are concerned with the environment, he says. So why should we suddenly discover that green is good? When asked why Koenig never talked about his architecture as sustainable, Shulman says, In the fifties and sixties it was done automatically. The term green meant you related to the environment. Thats all green means: you are the environment. The reason why this architecture photographs so beautifully is the environmental consideration exercised by the architects, Shulman says. It was the sense that here we have beautiful canyons, hillsides, views of the ocean. Everyone loves these photographs because the houses are environmentally involved, and this was before the emphasis on what everyone is calling green. Figure 1 Learning Urban Planning from Nature, A dry leaf found in Yucca Valley, California Framing the Californian lifestyle Neutra and the many other California modernists added a new representation of the extravagant lifestyle being advertised in California, their choice of materials glass, patios that blurred the interior with exterior, sliding doors, and flat roofs where an accurate portrayal of the free spirited lifestyle available in this climate. California , Los Angeles and Palm Springs were at the forefront of the new wave of Modern Architecture that merged inside and outside which was a radical concept at the time. merging the buildings into their sites using topography, light and view while featuring groundbreaking new ideas of form following function and even ornament is crime. Throughout america there are many different photographers synonymous with various different cities. Art Shay documented Chicagos streets intimately delving into the goings on of individual neighborhoods while Arthur Fellig also known as Weegee documented New York with impeccable detail. Los Angeles known for its sparse street life it becomes clear that the photographer most associated with it instead looked into the private spaces framing the Californian lifestyle. The documenting outdoor kitchen areas and unusual shaped pools strengthened the allure of Californias to everyone in post war America. Shulman was a great believer in the California dreaming that emerged post war, ignoring the at times mean streets of Los Angeles instead focusing on the continual sunshine seen in all his work and luminous twilights. Embodying the prevalent optimism of an architecture seemingly morphing into lifestyle and above all architecture as a product to be sold through his images.,Shulmans photographs go beyond the simple facts of the building fabric to propose a blueprint for living. Shulman portrayed something directly influential on the viewer. It was the idea of what its like to occupy a modern house. Shulmans photographs are not innate objects of beauty in themselves or direct duplications of the stunning buildings; they are inviting, compelling images that allow the viewer to imagine themselves the scene. An architectural photograph is seen to evoke three possible desires: I want that photograph, I want that building, or I want that life. Shulmans best work evokes all three. He shattered the common misconception that modernism was cold and calculated. An unfriendly aesthetic suited for clinical, industrial or commercial buildings. He personalised the buildings in an attempt to sell the architecture and Californian style to the viewers. The photographer cannot possibly learn a how-to procedure; but you must learn how to take advantage of the full gamut of experience available to you. The ambition in California and the west coast in general architecturally takes a very different form to that of the East coast. Take New York where the upward dominance of the skyscraper was the focus and identity of the city. The Californian aesthetic was horizontally driven, promoting the fact there was room for everyone to construct an individual marker throughout the landscape Shulman identified this motif and exploited it to his advantage through his work and California as a whole. Shulmans legacy remains in california even though he travelled the world photographing many famous piece of architecture his heart was always in California. His own house which he commissioned Raphael Soriano to design in 1947. Unsurprisingly the design was modern steel construction which also included a purpose built photography studio for Shulman. Garrett Eckbo designed the surrounding landscape the entire site has remained unaltered since its completion in 1950. The house was inducted as a Historic cultural monument by the city of Los Angeles in 1987. Figure 2 Shulman House, Raphael Soriano, 1950 Human Occupancy One of Shulmans prominent features of his photography was the integration of people within his architectural photography. In the early years after photography was invented in 1839, the exposure time required to capture all the architectural details of, a complicated ornamental building on the photographic plate was very long. People were viewed as an unnecessary complication as they could not guarantee to stand still for the entire duration of the shot. This practical barring of people eventually developed into a widely accepted rule brought up by Wim de Wit if one wanted to be taken seriously as an architectural photographer, one should keep people outside the frame of the camera. This attitude towards architectural photography was largely unchanged in the 1930s or 40s when Shulman took up the camera. Modernist architects at that time considered space, massing, texture and color to be the primary tangible determinants for how a building functioned. Photographers were under pressure to promote these aspects rather than how people interacted with the building design. Shulmans approach therefore was unorthodox at the time, he ignored the stereotypical modernist principle of vacant images. He was not interested in wall details or moody empty rooms. Instead, he wanted to show the viewer of his photographs that modern Californian architecture, in spite of its lack of traditional ornament, was livable and an interesting exciting lifestyle choice. Julius Shulman is blessed with the gift of perception the eye that sees! and with it he has become our visual historian. For over 50 years he has shown us how experience can interact with ideas through images. He is what the Greeks had in mind when they said, the soul is like the eye, it never thinks without an image. The mood of the Kaufmann house seen in figure 1 located in Palm Springs California was captured through a long process of time exposures and careful darkroom manipulation. However one of its stand out features is the occupation in this photo of a lady lounging at the pool. Even at the time this divided architects and photographers alike over whether it was diluting the effect of the building with this distraction or ultimately enhancing the reception of the building. Shulman in an interview stated I used her to cover the light in the pool, because the photograph was shot on bulb,, this refers to the camera setting in which the shutter can stay open for a long period of time, unbelievably forty five minutes of an exposure. Its these types of intricate use of people and alternative techniques that add to the photographic art that Shulman is seen to pioneer. Figure 3 Kaufmann House, Palm Springs, 1947, Richard Neutra, Architect Before Julius Shulman arrived on the scene, architectural photography provided exactly what the term implies: photographs of buildings. Such photographs might show single buildings, or groups of buildings, or buildings surrounded by natural landscape; human beings were generally not included. To a certain effect the process has come full circle with a dramatic increase of architectural photography today lacking occupants in the finished buildings publicity shots. Are architects preferring to entice people into their buildings by showing the empty spaces and letting the visitors imagine visiting rather than prescribing their experience there with people within the initial shots. When beginning a photograph Shulman asks the overlying question what does the house represent? His view is that the easiest way to go about portraying the house is through an overall objective full view photograph. However he comments on the pictorial area on the far right of the photo figure 1. The more pictorial architecture elements attached to the living space located there draws the viewers attention and should be the focus of the photograph Another of his successful portrayals of occupancy was the case study house 20 by Buff, Straub and Hensman 1958 figure (?). Shulmans attention to minute detail stemmed as far as telling the young lady in the photo exactly what position to hold the glass aloft which he states was of the utmost importance to the success of the overall photograph. It makes all the difference in the world where her hand was placed. Figure 4 Case Study House 20, Atladena , 1958, Buff , Straub and Hensman Relationship with architects To understand Shulmans photographs you need to understand the close bonds Shulman had with the architects involved and his passion for their work. although having no formal training in architecture through these relationships his architectural vocabulary grew along with his natural photographic abilities. After world war two, book publishers and magazine editors were scrambling for material to fill their publications. Television was still in its infancy allowing the magazine with its diverse subject range and ever changing topics to attract architectural photography. It was during this time a new source of assignments emerged and with it photo journalism was born which enabled Shulman to strike up relationships with many architects while traveling on assignments. Shulman cemented friendships while exposing and engaging people in the architects work through the medium of photography. Richard Neutra Southern California Richard Neutra is seen as having developed an especially appropriate regional architecture, adding a new dimensions to the several regional design systems in that area. His traits which were inspired from simple post and beam construction, were exceptionally modern when applied to residential architecture, his design ethos came into its full range. Transforming buildings into icons, transforming steel and glass into reproducible images, that connected to the viewer yet seemed frozen in time was the challenge set by Californian modernism. Julius Shulman stepped up and took this role, upon meeting Neutra in 1936. One of Neutras apprentices was boarding with Shulmans sister, and he took young Shulman along on a visit to the visually stunning and nearly complete Kun House. (figure 5). Shulman, then an student whod been auditing courses at Berkeley and UCLA for seven years not really sure what his career path would be, shot photos of the crisp white house, using his pocket camera and a tripod. When Neutra saw the snapshots, he realised Shulmans special talent, an ability to capture the aesthetic and emotional intention of designs. The photographer Edward Weston fell in love with stunning cracks in buckly plaster, Neutra complained. His wonderful photos could have served as evidence in court against a plastering contractor. Understandably, the architect preferred Shulmans idealized portraits. Its the stories of each photo that can at times add so much to Shulmans work, especially when digital technology is so widespread today. The details that had to be considered and sheer effort that had to be taken for a singular shot was incredible. For the next thirty-four years, until Neutras death in 1970, the two collaborated. Through his work with Neutra, Shulman met other California modernists, including Pierre Koenig, Rudolf Schindler, Gregory Ain, Gordon Drake and Frank Lloyd. The architects created the buildings and concepts, but Shulman created the pictures that would communicate and interpret the buildings to the general public. It is important to look at the relationships between the architect and Shulman along with the images that made them famous and captured their essence. Figure 5 Kauffmann House Figure 6- Kun House , Neutra Figure 7 Treweek Residence , Neutra Pierre Koenig The architecture of Pierre Koenig, demonstrated an elegance formed from design process that merged plan, structure and nature into a single calming experience. With the use of steel and glass he evolved fresh and exciting solutions to some of the notoriously difficult aesthetic and structural problems at the time. One of his first houses made from steel and glass built in 1950 launched him on an internationally acclaimed career. When Arts and Architecture magazine was seeking inventive architects for their Case Study Houses, they chose Koenig to design Case Study House 22. Over the years Case Study House 22 has become an iconic symbol of Southern California living. It is a spectacular house soaring above the city below, with long cantilevered roof and floor overhangs that extend the viewers line of vision to the distant ocean and the horizon beyond. This appealed and at the same time challenged Shulman to produce one of his most famous images. Shulmans photograph of the Case Study House 22 The architecture critic Paul Goldberger called the photograph one of those singular images that sums up an entire city at a moment in time. In an interview with Shelter Shulman recollected what a unique experience the shoot actually was.Whilst visiting the house with two young ladies who were sitting in the living room when Shulman began, the shot was initially to be an interior shot, however when Shulman exited to get a breath of air he observed the girls sitting with the furniture being illuminated, with the view outdoors to Los Angeles. Shulman ran into the house and brought camera out to change the composition, multiple exposures was taken due to the interior lights being circular, flood lights where needed to make the girls visible with instant exposure. He turned off all the lights in house and flood lights were taken out and flash bulbs were put in instead for instant exposure. Shulman the called the called girls and said to sit in darkness for a short time to allow the exposure to burn the city lights into the negative, a few moments later a flash bulb went off recording them in the scene. But somehow that one scene expresses what architecture is all about. What if I hadnt gone outside to see the view? I would have missed a historic photograph, and more than that, we would have missed the opportunity to introduce this kind of architecture to the world. Rudolph Schindler Schindler is seen as the least understood of the American pioneers of modern architecture. In the 1930s Schindler used a skin construction as opposed to a structural skeleton, because of the flexibility by which forms might be organized without having to respect a structural grid. Through this freedom, he felt, modern architecture might achieve what the past had referred to as style. Schindler contacted Shulman as a result of his successful work with Neutra. Shulman described his relationship with Schindler as a cordial one. Schindler never attended an assignment with Shulman personally. He provided him with essential critiques of his photographs. Shulman recalled a critique of a photograph of Schindlers Daughterly house in Santa Monica. Schindler challenged Shulman on his over use of flood lights whilst photographing illustrating his point by showing Shulman naturally illuminated walls differentiating angular light. Shulman was always open to criticism and expanded and broadened his skills and knowledge from the top architects he encountered. Neutra was the first architect Shulman had met and all his photographs had been accepted with additions requested. This impressed Schindler resulting in Schindler asking Shulman to photograph the Fitzpatrick House in Los Angeles, in 1937 (figure 11+12). This was a fine example of Schindlers spatial ideas of form and movement. In his later projects, some of the crispness of his earlier work was lost as the overall forms became more fragmented. Shulman went on to photograph many of Schindlers work including one of Schindlers finest houses Buck House 1934 (Figure 13). The L-shaped plan with changes in ceiling height which allowed Shulman to exploit the diagonal views. The Large glazed sections open out to the south garden area. Gregory Ain Ains interest in group housing for middle- and low-income families began in his 1937 Dunsmuir Flats. Shulmans image of the four staggered two-story white blocks, the ceiling levels defined by continuous ribbon windows exemplify his design ethos. The panel-post construction was an early effort to reduce cost and was radical at the time. Ain adapted many contractors practices for large or small houses to save construction time and reduce cost. Gregory Ain was seen as the first architect in California to refine the low-cost house. This was exemplified in his Dunsmuir Apartments figure (15). Shulmans photographs enabled the work of pioneers like Ain to be eagerly accepted into professional journals. Shulman commented on how the editors themselves were learning as a result of his photographs to select and present the results of his work. Ains houses impressed the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) greatly and that they commissioned him to design a house in New York on the museum grounds (figure 15). It furthered his workable efficient design ethos and brought his work to a larger audience a recurring effect of Shulmans photographs Gordon Drake Shulman regarded Gordon Drake as a massively overlooked architect and integral to the progression of modern architecture. Although his career was short Drake won many international awards. Shulman cherished their friendship greatly recalling their first meeting in 1946 having been called to Drakes house (figure 16+17) in West Los Angeles. Shulman met his crew who shulman described as All were filled with enthusiasm, possessing a fervor to perform fulfilling architecture , inspired by the spirit of Drake. Shulman fell in love with the house and what it represented discovering that Drakes design was one of the most ingenious assemblies ever to confront me; the photography of which was one of the most joyous and rewarding episodes of my ten years association with architecture. The year the photograph was taken 1946 was the year progressive architecture magazine was running a competition for recognition of architects attempting to improve contemporary standards. In a massively over confident manoeuver Shulman placed a copy of the magazine in the shots of the house which went on to won the award as foretold by Shulman himself. Shulman cherished both his friendship with Drake and his association with what he called a man of brilliant expression, whose designs where not only functional , but adhered so favorably to his clients needs. Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright, was seen as the leader for American modern architecture around the world. He understood human needs and applied them to his work. Above all he sought repose, a peaceful environment free of stress which catered to the mental health and happiness of the occupants. Shulman has been compared to Wright as their work seems to become more accessible over time rather than instantaneously upon completion. In 1950 Shulman met Wright for the first time at the Taliesin West seen in figure (18) where Wright allowed him free reign to wander and snap photos unaccompanied which suited Shulmans work ethos very well. My broad knowledge of current architecture and my acquaintance with scores of architects throughout the nation and numbers abroad seemed to arouse his curiosity. It was this that bonded the pair and a lot of discussion between the two was on the topic the relationships of architects and clients and how streamlining the interactions can have a great effect on the outcome. Shulman had at first regarded Wright from here say from other sources as a belligerent, angry person. Wright did not deny these claims, however pointed out that the sources had probably never met him in person. Shulman had achieved what very few have ever with Wright that of engaging in personal discussions noting that our spontaneous bond resulted from smooth flowing stream of objectivity. Shulman allowed Wright to freely evaluate any photos he obtained from the buildings upon completion at the V.C Morris building figure (20+21). He allowed Wright to study them closely. Upon finding a good one Wright exclaimed at last someone understands in a photograph, my statement you have penetrated the spirit of my design! One of Shulmans famous Frank Lloyd Wright photographs of the Guggenheim interior was commented on by an Architectural historian , during a visit to his studio. Often one photograph creates a fulfilling statement. This one says it all. Figure (22) Due to Shulmans hands on close relationships with the architects that he worked with Shulman was often asked what differences have struck him about the many modernist architects he has worked with diverse designs from the likes of Neutra and Wright. His response was one of indifference he didnt see each designers ideas as radically different. He would compose a scene as long as he could identify with the individuals theme. The love of the building itself was integral to Shulmans work he chose his buildings and shot only subjects he enjoyed or related to. The close up From looking at Shulmans relationship with architects you can see that his personality and persona was as famous as his work. He was a skilled networker and socialite rather than a pedantic mysterious photographer. He blurred the lines of professional conduct with his friendships with clients. Shulmans extremely confident demeanor aided him greatly in the success of his work. Shulman was never afraid to self publicise and right up to his death was a fervent fan of his own work. If Shulman isnt the guest of honour, he is the moment he walks in the door. He assumes he will have an audience, and hes always right. In 1997, Benedikt Taschen responsible for the one hit Shulman nickname purchased Lautners, Chemosphere House, the eight-sided flying saucer that Shulman photographed, and it is where he stays when not in Miami or Cologne. Taschen said that if Shulman had not photographed the buildings featured in his extensive books catalogues, many of which have been razed, the world would never have known them. Figure 23 Lautners Chemosphere Shulman is know to say yes to any opportunity to speak about himself, his work , Los Angeles, architecture or art. He is known for his ability to talk for hours and no matter how many people are there or the subject matter the conversation always centers around him. Shulman identified a problem in architecture that has plagued the profession since its conception. He quipped that it was the worlds greatest problem is lack of communication, It leads to wars and failed marriages. The overuse of words also riled the photographer, som
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Essay example --
The Scarlet Letter starts off by throwing Hester Prynne into drama after being convicted for adultery in a Puritan area. Traveling from Europe to America causes complications in her travel which also then separates her from her husband, Roger Chillingworth for about three years. Due to the separation, Hester has an affair with an unknown lover resulting in having a child. Ironically, her lover, Arthur Dimmesdale, is a Reverend belonging to their church who also is part of the superiors punishing the adulterer. No matter how many punishments are administered to Hester, her reactions are not changed. Through various punishments, Hester Prynne embraces her sin by embroidering a scarlet letter â€Å"A†onto her breast. However, she is also traumatized deep within from everything she’s been through. Nathaniel Hawthorne depicts this story of sin by using rhetorical devices such as allusion, alliteration and symbolism. The first rhetorical device used is allusion. An allusion is used to make a reference to a person, place, or thing that has happened. â€Å"they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnson's lot, and round about his grave.†After finding a new colony, they allot a portion of soil to a cemetery in King’s Chapel and another portion of land to a prison. Hawthorne uses this to hint something is going to happen later in the story and by saying the Puritans first built a prison and a cemetery before anything else basically leads the whole story to what we know. As we find out at the end, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale develops a heart disease from stress of the sin he has committed and eventually dies confessing his love for Hester Prynne. In this allusion, a prison, one of the first marks in the town, is built. We le... ...ven symbolize the lesson taught in The Scarlet Letter is beautiful, despite its tragic ending. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allusion, alliteration and symbolism to tell the perfect story. Anyone can infer from this novel that adultery is obviously wrong. Adultery doesn’t only affect the two people who have committed it, but also affects the townspeople. Keeping quiet causes extreme pain and suffering. The townspeople are always suspicious of each other and no one can trust anyone. Because Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale kept his secret bottled up and Hester admitted to the whole thing, he was left to suffer from guilt. If Dimmesdale came out and told the truth, maybe he would have been spared, lived a free life and survived long enough to spend time with the one he truly loved, Hester Prynne. That means the prison and cemetery wouldn’t mean anything in the future.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Energy Harvesting and Nanotechnology
Energy Harvesting and Nanotechnology| April 28 2011 | Energy harvesting generators are attractive as unlimited replacements for batteries in electronic devices and have been the focus of new researches for past years. This paper reviews the principles behind this technology and their integration to harvest energy. Also proposes a greener alternative for the production of quantum dots before the integration to new technologies. | Nanowires and Quantum Dots| Energy Harvesting with Nanowires and Quantum Dots Introduction Harvesting energy is the core of our modern human existence. We need to power our cars, homes, and personal electronics. T o power our technology we need energy. Most electrical energy is harvested in one of two ways. These ways are mechanically harvested or harvested from solar power. Mechanically harvested energy needs moving parts, for example, to turn a generator. Solar energy can be harvested through solar cells via the photoelectric effect. As technology becomes smaller and more compact, power conversion technology needs to also adapt to this changes. Nanotechnology has shown great promise to become the power generator for future nanotechnology. 1 That is the purpose of this paper to show how this technology works and is integrated to the production of energy. Nanowires have a diameter in between 20 nm and 100 nm. They can be made from many types of material, however most research is being done on silicon nanowires1-2 3 4 5 6 ; carbon and CdS/CdTe7 nanowires also are being researched. These nanowires can convert solar energy into electrical energy with enough efficiency to power small devices. This technology can create self sufficient nanotechnologies that do not need batteries or need to be connected to a power source. This new technology will be completely different to the macro-technology we have today, were we have to change out batteries or plug them into a wall. Self-sustaining technology is very green, because they do not need a non-renewable outside energy sources. Quantum dots are being researched as a viable alternative to silicon based solar cells. Quantum dots are small particles, or â€Å"nanoparticles†, of a semiconductor material, most common chalcogenides (selenides or sulfides) of metals like cadmium or zinc (CdSe or ZnS), which are usually from 2 to 10 nanometers in diameter. Because of their size, quantum dots display unique optical and electrical properties that are different in character to those of the corresponding bulk material. The most relevant of these is the emission of photons under excitation, which are visible to the human eye as light. Moreover, Quantum dots can be tuned to certain wavelengths based on their size and are able to produce more than one electron per absorbed photon. These molecules are generally made out of CdSe and are cheap, their synthesis is relatively green, and they have great stability over many years. They do not bleach like other dyes and their efficiency does not fade nearly as quickly as normal dyes. 7 Nanowires and quantum dots have become very interesting topics in chemical research. They have potential to start a new wave of technology and may be the future power source of almost every technology. This article is about how scientists can harvest solar power on a nanoscale, with quantum dot technology showing much promise as a green solution. Solar Power. Today, solar power is harvested by large photovoltaic cells (a solid state electrical device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity) that are made of crystalline silicon; the generation of electricity from the sun was a landmark in Green Chemistry. However, these large panels are bulky and expensive. Silicon nanowires use the same mechanism for power generation, but are smaller and more portable. The coaxial silicon nanowires operate by using coaxial shells selectively doped to absorb photons and produce electrons. 1,3 Coaxial silicon nanowires have 2 shells and a core, figure 1 shows the nanowire and a view of the cross section of the nanowire. Figure 1. The blue outer shell is the n-type shell, the inner yellow shell is in the i-type shell, and the pink core is the p-type core. The diagram on the right shows how the holes (h+), and the photo generated electrons (e-) flow across the nanowire. (Adapted from figure 1 in Nature 2007, 449, 885-889) The outer shell is crystalline in structure which enables the wire to absorb photons. The semiconductor material construction made this nanowire operate like a diode. Diodes allow current to flow one way but not another. Diodes are very common in household electronics and circuits. This means that self-powered circuits can be created from these nanowires. , 3-4 Quantum Dots are able to emit three excitons from one photon through an effect called the Multiple Exciton Effect. An exciton is an electron and its hole. Quantum dots can be tuned to many different wavelengths of light, because the wavelength they absorb is based on the diameter of the dot. The material for quantum dots is more cost effective than silicon-based solar panels. Theoretical limits for power conversion efficiency are approximately 60% 7. This is an amazing efficiency, but there are some debates about how true this efficiency is. There is not much known about quantum dots still, the organic outer layer that is used to separate these particles seem to have photo-electronic effects as well. Figure 2, shows an experimental power generator utilizing quantum dots and a mechanical piezoelectric generator. Figure 2 This is a power generator that uses both solar and mechanical means to harvest power. The quantum dots are interlaced in the ZnO nanowires. The solar cell power conversion efficiency of this device was 15. 8%. Unfortunately, the process of making heavy metal quantum dots is not very green. Some processes require high temperatures and heavy material loss. Current production methods have seen some LCA assessments of quantum dots. There is a lot of waste developed during the production and purification of quantum dots. Mass-by-mass comparison with silicon solar cells, show that quantum dots require far more energy and solvent. However, since only a small amount of quantum dots are being used in technology and the long lasting and high efficiency of power generation gives quantum dots a better assessment in all environmental aspects except heavy metal emission. Since emerging technologies rapidly change, this assessment could be outdated in six months with a new greener synthesis. Proposal Greener QDs: Cadmiun free quantum dots In many parts of the world there are legislation that restrict and in some cases ban heavy metals such as Cd in many household appliances such as Lighting equipment , Electrical & electronic tools, sport telecommunication equipment and entertainment devices. Many reports have shown that cadmium-based QDs were toxic at the tissue and cellular levels when their surfaces are not carefully functionalized. 1, 12 CuInS2 is a direct band gap semiconductor material with a band gap of 1. 45 eV. Thus, by tailoring their composition and size, it is possible to fabricate CuInS2 QDs that emit from the visible to near-infrared (NIR) region, with high quantum yield. More importantly, CuInS2 QDs are more suitable for biomedical imaging applications and integration in household devices because the particles are free from toxic elements such as cadmium, lead, mercury. The properties of these nanoparticles are very similar to those of CdS quantum dots, but the overall efficiency and shifts in spectra are still lower that the ones obtained by cadmium QD’s. More research needs to be done to increase the overall properties of this nanoparticles and their integration to electronic devices, but some ideas that are being currently tried are coating CuInS2 with organic materials that enables the particles to be more efficient and increases their luminescence. Currently this QD’s are being mass produced for example by Nanoco is a nanotechnology company located in Manchester, United Kingdom that uses a molecular seeding method adapted for other compound semiconductor materials, which have similar optical properties to those of CdSe quantum dots (such as the family of III-V materials), but do not contain heavy metals. So the possibilities for the implementation of this technology on devices that are in constant contact with humans are infinite, if new alternatives like this are implemented in future designs. Conclusion Self-sustaining technology is the end goal for these nanogenerators; this can lead to a green revolution in technology and reduce the emissions into our atmosphere. Currently, quantum dots are beginning to show amazing properties that may one day replace batteries and carbon- based energy production. Unfortunately, the current process for the synthesis of quantum dots generates too much solvent waste and uses too much power, but there is research trying to quantify the environmental impact and reduce it. Since quantum dots are an emerging technology, the production and utilization may drastically change in the coming years and hopefully a strong emphasis on low environmental impact will be on the forefront. Meanwhile this technology is being introduced in the solar energy production and medical procedures like targeting cell and biomarkers, giving results that promise a change in the way energy is produced. References 1. Tian, B. Z. ; Zheng, X. L. ; Kempa, T. J. ; Fang, Y. ; Yu, N. F. ; Yu, G. H. ; Huang, J. L. ; Lieber, C. M. , Coaxial silicon nanowires as solar cells and nanoelectronic power sources. Nature 2007, 449 (7164), 885-U8. 2. Peng, K. Q. ; Wang, X. ; Lee, S. T. , Silicon nanowire array photoelectrochemical solar cells. Applied Physics Letters 2008, 92 (16). 3. Sivakov, V. ; Andra, G. ; Gawlik, A. ; Berger, A. ; Plentz, J. ; Falk, F. ; Christiansen, S. H. , Silicon Nanowire-Based Solar Cells on Glass: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Cell Parameters. Nano Letters 2009, 9 (4), 1549-1554. 4. Tian, B. ; Kempa, T. J. ; Lieber, C. M. , Single nanowire photovoltaics. Chemical Society Reviews 2009, 38 (1), 16-24. 5. Tsakalakos, L. ; Balch, J. ; Fronheiser, J. Korevaar, B. A. ; Sulima, O. ; Rand, J. , Silicon nanowire solar cells. Applied Physics Letters 2007, 91 (23). 6. Yang, R. S. ; Qin, Y. ; Dai, L. M. ; Wang, Z. L. , Power generation with laterally packaged piezoelectric fine wires. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2009, 4 (1), 34-39. 7. Lee, M. ; Yang, R. ; Li, C. ; Wang, Z. L. , Nanowire-Quantum Dot Hybridized Cell for Harvesting Sound and Solar Energies. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (19), 2929-2935. 8. Sengul, H; Thomas T. , An environmental impact assessment of quantum dot photovoltaics from raw material acquisition through use. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2011, 19, 21-31. 9. Ken-Tye Yong, Indrajit Roy, Rui Hu, Hong Ding, Hongxing Cai, Jing Zhu, Xihe Zhang, Earl J. Bergey and Paras N. Prasad; Synthesis of ternary CuInS2/ZnS quantum dot bioconjugates and their applications for targeted cancer bioimaging, Integr. Biol. , 2010, 2, 121-129 10. www. nonoco. com 11. K. -T. Yong, H. Ding, I. Roy, W. -C. Law, E. J. Bergey, A. Maitra and P. N. Prasad, ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 502. 12. Y. Su, Y. He, H. Lu, L. Sai, Q. Li, W. Li, L. Wang, P. Shen, Q. Huang and C. Fan, Biomaterials, 2009, 30, 19.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10
The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10 How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights? If you answered ten, you are right. But if you visit the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom at the National Archives Museum in Washington, DC, you will see that the original copy of the Bill of Rights sent to states for ratification had twelve amendments. Fast Facts The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution.The Bill of Rights establishes specific restrictions and prohibitions on the powers of the federal government.The Bill of Rights was created in response to demands from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties already considered natural rights, such as the rights to speak and worship freely.The Bill of Rights, originally in the form of 12 amendments was submitted to the legislatures of the states for their consideration on September 28, 1789, and was ratified by the required three-fourths (then 11) states in the form of 10 amendments on December 15, 1791. What is the Bill of Rights? The Bill of Rights is actually the popular name for a joint resolution passed by the first U.S. Congress on September 25, 1789. The resolution proposed the first set of amendments to the Constitution. Then as now, the process of amending the Constitution required the resolution to be ratified or approved by at least three-fourths the states. Unlike the ten amendments we know and cherish today as the Bill of Rights, the resolution sent to the states for ratification in 1789 proposed twelve amendments.When the votes of the 11 states were finally counted on December 15, 1791, only the last 10 of the 12 amendments had been ratified. Thus, the original third amendment, establishing freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and the right to a fair and speedy trial became todays First Amendment. Imagine 6,000 Members of Congress Rather than establishing rights and freedoms, the first amendment as voted on by the states in the original Bill of Rights proposed a ratio by which to determine the number of people to be represented by each member of the House of Representatives. The original first amendment (not ratified) read: After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor less than one Representative for every forty thousand persons, until the number of Representatives shall amount to two hundred; after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more than one Representative for every fifty thousand persons. Had the amendment been ratified, the number of members of the House of Representatives could by now be over 6,000, compared to the present 435. As apportioned by the latest Census, each member of the House currently represents about 650,000 people. The Original Second Amendment was About Money, not Guns The original second amendment as voted on, but rejected by the states in 1789, addressed congressional pay, rather than the right of the people to possess firearms. The original second amendment (not ratified) read: No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened. Though not ratified at the time, the original second amendment finally made its way into the Constitution in 1992, ratified as the 27th Amendment, a full 203 years after it was first proposed. And So the Third Became the First As a result of the failure of the states to ratify the original first and second amendments in 1791, the original third amendment became a part of the Constitution as the First Amendment we cherish today. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Background Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 considered but defeated a proposal to include a bill of rights in the initial version of the Constitution. This resulted in a heated debate during the ratification process.The Federalists, who supported the Constitution as written, felt a bill of rights was not needed because the Constitution intentionally limited the powers of the federal government to interfere with the rights of the states, most of which had already adopted bills of rights. The Anti-Federalists, who opposed the Constitution, argued in favor of the Bill of Rights, believing that the central government could not exist or function without a clearly established list of rights guaranteed to the people. (See: The Federalist Papers)Some of the states hesitated to ratify the Constitution without a bill of rights. During the ratification process, the people and the state legislatures called for the first Congress serving under the new Constitution in 1789 to consider an d put forward a bill of rights. According to the National Archives, the then 11 states began the process of ratifying the Bill of Rights by holding a referendum, asking its voters to approve or reject each of the 12 proposed amendments. Ratification of any amendment by at least three-quarters of the states meant acceptance of that amendment. Six weeks after receiving the Bill of Rights resolution, North Carolina ratified the Constitution. (North Carolina had resisted ratifying the Constitution because it did not guarantee individual rights.) During this process, Vermont became the first state to join the Union after the Constitution was ratified, and Rhode Island (the lone holdout) also joined. Each state tallied its votes and forwarded the results to Congress. Sources and Further Reference â€Å"The Charters of Freedom: The Bill of Rights.†Washington, DC. National Archives and Records Administration.â€Å"James Madison’s Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June 8, 1789.†Washington, DC. National Archives and Records Administration.Lloyd, Gordon. â€Å"Introduction to the Constitutional Convention.†Teaching American History.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
All About Mettre - Irregular French Verb
All About Mettre - Irregular French Verb Mettre, which means to put, is one of the most common French verbs. It is irregular in conjugation and is found in a number of idiomatic expressions.Using mettreMettre means to put:   Jai mis les livres sur la table.   I put the books on the table.   Il faut mettre sa famille avant son travail.   You have to put your family before your work.   Mettez les mains en lair.   Put your hands in the air.   Il veut mettre de largent dans votre affaire.   He wants to put money into your business.Mettre has various other meanings as well.1. to put on   Tu dois mettre un pull.   You need to put on a sweater.2. to spend time on   Jai mis deux semaines le faire.   I spent two weeks doing it.3. to turn on, activate   Peux-tu mettre la radio ?   Could you turn on the radio?4. to suppose   Mettons quil a raison....   Supposing / Lets just say that hes ri ght....Mettre noun infinitive means to put something up/out/on to do something:   Jai mis de leau bouillir.   I put some water on to boil.    Il doit mettre le linge sà ©cher.   He has to put (hang) the laundry up to dry.Se mettreSe mettre also has many different meanings.1. to put oneself   Mets-toi cà ´tà © de ton frà ¨re.   Put yourself next to your brother, Go sit/stand next to your brother.   Je dois me mettre lombre.   I have to get into the shade.(figurative)   Je ne sais pas oà ¹ me mettre.   I dont know where to look / what to do with myself.   se mettre dans une situation dà ©licate   to put/get oneself into a delicate situation2. to become (weather)   Il va se mettre au froid demain.   Its going to get/turn cold tomorrow.   Il sest mis au chaud.   It got hot.3. se mettre - to start, set to, take up   Il sest enfin mis au travail.   He finally started working.   Je vais me mettre la danse.   Im going to take up dancing.   Quand vas -tu te mettre à ©tudier ?   When are you going to start / set about studying?Expressions with mettre   mettre lessai - to put to the test   mettre en relief - to accentuate, bring out, emphasize   Il y a mis le temps ! - He took his sweet time about it!   se mettre au rà ©gime - to go on a diet   More expressions with mettreConjugationsPresent tense   je mets   tu mets   il met   nous mettons   vous mettez   ils mettentAll tenses
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Euthyphro by Socrates Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Euthyphro by Socrates - Assignment Example According to â€Å"Eutyphro By Plato†(2011), Plato and Euthyphro start talking about piety when Euthyphro brings up the fact that he is prosecuting his father for the murder of a domestic servant who had, in a state of drunkenness, murdered a field worker (par. 33). Plato was mainly concerned about this because he was about to be indicted with impiety. According to â€Å"Eutyphro By Plato†(2011), Plato contended that he was being prosecuted by the state for having corrupted the youth (par. 10). The concept of holiness takes such precedence in this conversation because, at length, Socrates is trying to understand why Euthyphro is bringing a charge of murder against his own fatherâ€â€especially when nowadays, probably what Euthyphro’s father did would be considered manslaughter, but that’s beside the point. The real point is that Socrates draws out this singular question into a lengthy argument about the many and diverse opinions of the Godsâ€â€and how they would agree or disagree about certain matters depending upon their respective viewpoints. Why this is important is because we see that Socrates starts the conversation by trying to imply that it was wrong for Euthyphro to bring a charge against his fatherâ€â€when really he was trying to demonstrate an entirely different point to Euthyphro, which was that his logic was based more in opinion that in objectively made arguments and rational, logically-explained truths. III. Euthyphro’s Three Definitions and Socrates’s Three Refutations Euthyphro, at one point, says piety is doing what is right by prosecuting he who commits a wrong, whatever wrong it may be. Socrates then talks about levels of crime in terms of seriousness. One of the first times Socrates asks Euthyphro about what piety actually is, again, Euthyphro has a ready answer. According to â€Å"Euthyphro By Plato†(2011), â€Å"Piety†¦is that which is dear to the gods, and impiety is tha t which is not dear to them†(par. 57). Then they get into a whole discussion about whether the inverse arguments are true. By the third time Socrates asks Euthyphro’s definition about piety, Euthyphro basically gives up, to be brief. He states that he doesn’t really know how to describe what he means and that whatever understanding he had has left him. Mainly, it seems that what has happened here is that Socrates has ultimately stumped Euthyphro. Socrates’s logic was just too much for him to handle. That is why we see Euthyphro saying â€Å"Yes,†and â€Å"Certainly†so many times in the text. It’s almost certain that he is just agreeing so that Socrates will move on with his argument, almost childlike in the way that he tries to bait Euthyphro into trying to even dispute him. However, Socrates’s logic is unmatched, and these three times that Socrates refutes him just prove even moreso his brilliance and unabated sparkling wit. IV. Socrates’s Goal: How One Knows It, and The Way One Can Tell Socrates asks whether â€Å"the holy is beloved by the Gods because it is holy, or holy because it is the beloved of the Gods†(par. 110). When the question is put in reverse, Socrates basically argues both sides, that
Friday, November 1, 2019
An investigation into the use of Six Sigma within the Irish Dissertation
An investigation into the use of Six Sigma within the Irish construction industry - Dissertation Example .8 Ethical Considerations 40 3.9 Method of Data Analysis 41 3.10 Conclusion 41 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 42 4.1 Introduction 42 4.2 Results 42 4.3 Discussion 71 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations 77 5.1 Conclusions 77 5.2 Recommendations 79 References 82 Appendix A – Survey Questionnaire 87 List of Tables Table 1. Frequencies: Intent of the company to adopt Six Sigma in the near future. 43 Table 2. Frequencies: Number of years of existence of the company within the industry 43 Table 3. Frequencies: Company size in terms of number of employees. 44 Table 4. Descriptive statistics: Improvement of company metrics: Financial Aspect. 44 Table 5. Descriptive statistics: Improvement of company metrics: Customer Aspect. 45 Table 6. Descriptive statistics: Improvement of company metrics: Operations Aspect. 46 Table 7. Descriptive statistics: Assessment of leadership ability. 48 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Assessment of leaders’ passion. 49 Table 9. Descriptiv e statistics: Management interest in quality improvement. 50 Table 10. Descriptive statistics: Customer focus. 51 Table 11. Descriptive statistics: Management of information. 53 Table 12. Descriptive statistics: Strategic management. 54 Table 13. Descriptive statistics: Assessment of the leader’s capacity to execute strategy. 55 Table 14. Descriptive statistics: Assessment of process management competence. 58 Table 15. Descriptive statistics: System of measurement. 59 Table 16. Descriptive statistics: Problem solving capacity. 60 Table 17. Descriptive statistics: Assessment of infrastructure, management system and resources. 61 Table 18. Descriptive statistics: Independent and dependent variables overall. 63 Table 19. Coefficient of determination: Predictors of Six Sigma adoption and use. 64 Table... The objective of the study aims to establish if key / top management ability influences the readiness of adoption and use of Six Sigma in the said industry. This factor was found to positively and significantly predict the readiness for adoption and use of Six Sigma within the Irish construction industry. The next objective is meant to establish if organisational ability influences the readiness of adoption and use of Six Sigma in the said industry. This variable did not significantly predict the dependent variable. Given the Six Sigma scheme’s propensity for facilitating business processes, it is applicable in a whole host of industries besides the manufacturing industry, the construction sector included. While traditional quality improvement initiatives focus heavily on detecting errors and then correcting them, a company operating under the Six Sigma scheme would be able to ensure that such errors never occur in the first place by establishing and then strictly adhering to a set of standards. The construction sector is the largest labour-intensive industry that makes significant contributions to the Irish economy (Duffy, Graham, and Thomas 2007). The process of planning in Ireland has brought about numerous regulations that emphasize the design, manufacturing and construction of buildings, particularly the need to adhere to quality standards and ensure that the expectations of owners or occupiers are met.
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